Welcome to The Edventure Collaborative, a federation of two, thriving, community Primary Schools in Islington.
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Welcome to

The Edventure Collaborative

Together we learn

Welcome to

The Edventure Collaborative

Together we learn

Audit and Consultancy

We offer a school improvement partner package, that will encompass all the activities below. We can also offer these as one-off pieces of support. If you are interested in the following, please contact us. We will talk through your needs and design an approach that meets them. 


Audit days: We will design an audit process for any aspect of school improvement and run it for or with you. It will result in a whole-school report, outlining strengths and strategies for improvement.


Developing Teaching and Learning: We have a proven track record of working with teachers to dramatically improve their practice. If you want help developing the quality of teaching and learning in your school, contact us.


Curriculum Development: We have a proven track record of helping schools redevelop their curricula, so they are both fit for Ofsted and personalised to the values, ambitions and needs of individual school communities. Get in touch if you are interested.


Support for New Heads: A key service Edventure offers its schools is hands-on, high quality support for headteachers in their first year in role. The transition to headship can be extremely challenging and isolating for individual leaders. It can also be a torrid time for schools. We know what can go wrong and we know how to help get things right. We can provide practical support.




